Friday, August 20, 2010

an education worth paying for

Well so I feel like an excited kindergartner (and I would know what that is like because I have seen off 3 of my charges the past 2 weeks to their kindergarten experiences, and everything is exciting for them, especially bus riding). While I don't think I would get excited about that, I sure am excited about starting school. I can safely say that I was 100% overwhelmed and 100% excited and full of anticipation yesterday. I had my orientation from 10-4 and I thought what could I possibly do for that long to get to know a school but the time passed by so quickly. I was really nervous and I went early to meet with the registrar. Something that is very foreign to me considering the fact that it literally was a "one stop shop." Very unlike the Ga State registrar experience for sure!! Actually, every single bit of the day yesterday was a far cry from anything I experienced at GA State. Don't get me wrong, I loved going to school there and would not have given it up for the world. I know that it is exactly where God wanted me then and I also know that this is where God wants me now.

When we first got in the room (and there are about 45 students starting the program) we had the dean of students come in and she looked like a stepford wife. She had on a white wrap dress and some patent leather red wedges. She was so precious, and the first thing she asked was if she could pray for us. Then she said, " I may not have prayed for you all individually yet, but I prayed for you as a whole and I would love to pray with you individually when you have the time." Now, I had no desire to go to a Christian undergrad school, mostly because of the rumors I've heard of how segregated they can be and I wanted a broad, even liberal education from a large school. But let me just say that this IS what I need/want out of a grad school experience. I knew I needed a smaller, more individualized experience where the people actually cared whether or not I was there and was a part of the program. I met so many people yesterday that I already want to be friends with.

So we just learned all about the school and met a lot of the staff and were just told how much they are here to serve us and wanted to be here for us in this process. I just can't say enough about how encouraging it was. It is going to be a lot of work but it's definitely what I have a passion for and I just love it. This verse seems appropriate given yesterday and everything that happened during and post orientation.

"And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

School days start Monday! :)


  1. glad it went so well and you are so excited! and i will say that i am VERY happy that so far it has been nothing like GA state for you. I enjoyed my time there but the orientation/registration/trying to get anything done was such a hassle. sounds like this is going smoothly.

  2. Yay! I'm on a happy high for you! I also love that I'm going to get to hear/learn all of your most interesting subjects from you :) I loved law school and from hearing you talk about orientation, I'm feeling like you've got two really great (and really hard, busy, etc.) years ahead! Anything worth doing takes hard work and you will reap the rewards!

  3. I cannot tell you how happy I was reading your post! I can't wait to hear about it in person! I just love the feeling of knowing that God has me right where he wants me and this rings true for you sweet friend! Our sermon was about finishing what we start...congratulations on this new beginnging! I will pray for your endurance as you run this new race!
